Alright dipshits geeky little philosophy lesson. Cops and robbers, good and evil, neo and smith, society has a bunch of different little ways of explaining an age old theory. That without bad guys we wouldn't have good ones, no sweet without sour. pleasure, without pain.
That being said I have a theory about life since this one is in place.
Ask a rockstar strung out on cocaine, and bruised from beautiful young women throwing themselves at Him naked how to approach life and he'll say " live it up man, life is short"
Now you ask a guy who has the daily grind, a shitty job, a lousy boss, freezing cold weather and a lack of money in his life and he may tell you a variety of things. Fuck life, thank god for whiskey, there is no hope, all is lost Meghan fox is hot. and I think about suicide on a daily basis.
You see in my opinion the world has a sort of twisted balance, and there is a god. And he has a twisted fucking sense of humor.
There are so many fucking stupid people who aimlessly walk through life without the ability to comprehend just how much they're fucking up the general populations day. There are people of incredible common sense, wisdom, and compassion, they are usually imprisoned and or executed. Sleezy pieces of shit that run governments and hard working blue collar men that always get named after diseases.
Gods sense of humor really is twisted. For those of you who do not know I will tell you I have a brother. We talk on the phone a lot, we summarized our weekends last night, it went something like this.
Him. Hey buddy how are you
Me. I'm doing good bud you got any good stories from the weekend.
Him. Do you want a like twelve or thirty six hour compilation?
Me. It's whatever dude
Him. Ok third option let's rock out an eighteen hour time line.
I have this girl over right, we do the deed. Next morning breakfast, move on with the day, after we got it on brunch style. This other ones been a crazy bitch but has my pan so she said she would bring it over. We argue via text then have some dinner she drops it off I go inside lock the door. Couple minutes later she comes back we do the deed. Wake up early the next morning with a massive bone, you know just like a raging hard on because I'm so used to having massive amounts of sex with different women. So I got this really cute one over that had breakfast with me the day before. She's like super into oral. Any time she has sex with me she demands it begins, and ends orally, she's like foul dude she like takes my boner and smacks it on the side of her face. And it's really surprising because she is so cute but such a freak in bed..........
What did you do bud.
Me. I beat this game on my iPad called eternal blade.
Yup, we walk, talk, pretty much look act breathe and live the same way. We eat the same foods like the same movies have the same skill sets, and we popped out of the same woman. You can't tell me that god doesn't have moments when he really just uses some of us as an example of how hard he can make a human life suck
Ie the theory that for ever one, my brother. There is a negative one, me
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